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Nicole Greene grew up in Normandy Park and was first introduced to Crossfit at Gonzaga University in 2012. She graduated with a Biology Degree in 2013 then went to test Jet-A Fuel for the SeaTac Airport, and after that she became an Environmental Analysis in Fremont. In 2019, she and her husband moved back to Normandy Park and bought their first house. After being apart of the CrossFit lifestyle for 7 years, she decided to take the Level 1 Certification and return to CrossFit Burien as a trainer.​Outside of the gym, Nicole is a big Cosplayer as well as a Video Game nerd. If you don’t see her at the gym she is probably at home building some elaborate costume or playing the newest Pokemon game. If you tell her what convention you are going to, she is probably going to the same one. If you see her at the gym she is the one wearing the crazy colorful leggings topped with a nerdy workout tank!


CrossFit Level-1



The hardest part about fitness and exercise is the commitment and consistency. Much of my workouts comprised of your typical treadmill running, benching, curls, and ab crunches. I tended to plateau, get stuck in a rut, and found myself skipping the gym as things got boring. I found my fitness journey go through good and bad streaks and knew my routine needed an upgrade. I was introduced to the idea of CrossFit by my wife, who was also looking for something more exciting than your local global gym. As many, I was skeptical, and a little intimidated after Googling what CrossFit was all about. After a few months of training I was doing exercises and movements that challenged me in ways I would have never thought of doing on my own. Everyday was different, the workouts of the day were already programmed, and all I had to do was show up and give 100% effort. Although intimidated at first, a coach was always there to guide me, scale my WOD’s, and make sure I was getting the intended stimulus for that day’s workout. I couldn’t get enough. But what kept me coming back above all else was the amazing community, friends, and family I made along the way. Almost 3 years later I decided to pursue my Level 1 in efforts to encourage others to give CrossFit a try in hopes to better their lives through fitness and community.


CrossFit Level-1



After a semester in grad school of working full time and going to school full time, sitting at a desk from 7 in the morning until 9 at night, and an average step count of around 3,000, I really felt the need to get myself in gear. I had tried a gym that had group style training previously and remembered that it was a much more motivating situation than going to the average globo-gym. There happened to be a CrossFit gym within walking distance of where I was living so I decided to check it out. After 2 days of training with the owner of that gym I was more sore than I had ever been in my life and I was hooked. What has kept me doing CrossFit almost 3 years later are the results, variety, and community. I love the challenges that come with CrossFit and that there’s always something to improve on no what your skill level is; and I love the family that I have gained.


CrossFit Level-1



Allen has been involved in team athletics and various forms of Martial Arts, which started at a very young age. Coming from a family with a heritage of heart disease and hypertension, he knows the importance of EXERCISE CONSISTENCY, as well as, a good balanced nutrition. Allen prides himself for running light-hearted CF classes (including, but not limited to listening to Raggae Island Music and dancing during class), but expects 100% effort from attendees. “CF is hard, but it makes it FUN suffering with the people I like….#lowsodium”


CrossFit Level-1 CrossFit Gymnastics (Jeff Tucker) CrossFit KB (Jeff Martone) Olympic Lifting (Jon North, Fu Barbel, Erin Okonek, John Thrush)



Andrew Jucutan started functional training to improve his health and conditioning and physique in 2008, losing 6% bodyfat in six weeks while working with a personal trainer and adhering to a strict Paleo diet. Kettlebells, Box Jumps, Rope work, mobility, and heavy squats were a mainstay of his workout regime. In 2009, he was introduced to CrossFit and fell in love with the community and functional training focus and was inspired by the individuals who were there to reach their next level (regardless of whether they were trying to master a full squat or push-up or squat 400 pounds). For the next several years, Andrew dropped into many CrossFit communities King, Imperial, Renton, SODO, Xplore, through his connections with ANFARM and desire to be connected to a community of individuals who wanted to better themselves and support others to do so. In 2014, Andrew joined the CrossFit Burien community and got his Level 1 certification in 2015. Outside CrossFit Burien, Andrew works in banking and enjoys spending time with his wife, Amy, and two kids, Abigail, & AJ.


CrossFit Level 2 Certification



Kellie grew up in athletics, starting with hockey and switching to volleyball in middle and high school. The gym has always been a happy place for her, but in 2017 a friend convinced her to try CrossFit while on a travel nurse assignment in Charlotte, NC. She invested in 1:1 coaching at CrossFit Fort Vancouver before moving to Burien, which sparked an intense love for the sport, and wanting to move into a coaching roll. CFB became her family and she hasn’t looked back. Kellie is a nurse at UW Medical Center in labor and delivery. She has a passion for women’s health, especially during and after pregnancy. In her spare time, you can find her running, snugging with her two dogs, Juniper and Dino, or out and about with her husband, Dominik. Oh, most importantly, she is an avid 49ers fan.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



Jason Pinter….AKA J-Pop….AKA Uncle J-Pop has been with CrossFit Burien from the start. He started CrossFit over seven years ago with his son Ethan. At that point CFB had yet to open, so they did their workouts at the local YMCA. In 2012 CFB opened their doors and Jason never looked back. Being a lifelong athlete Jason fell in love with CrossFit after his first workout. In 2014 Jason received his CF L1 and in 2015 he also received his USAW Olympic Lifting cert. Coach Jason currently coaches not just CrossFit, but also youth basketball. Over the years he has also coached AAU basketball as well as soccer. You can generally find Jason either coaching some of the evening classes, working out at in the evening classes, or just goofing around at the gym. When Jason is not at CFB, you can find him hanging with his wife Hilary and his 5 awesome kids, Ethan ,Noah, Caleb, Aidan and Rainy. A little know fact about Jason is that he and his family are all Disneyland addicts. Jason is also a part of the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center Facilities Engineering mechanical team.


CrossFit Level-1, CrossFit Level-2 USAW



Trevor has played sports his entire life and has an innate competitive drive. Several nights a week you can find him still giving it his all on the volleyball court or kickball field. He started CrossFit in 2013 after his wife, Lindsay, found the original CrossFit Burien Community. Just like when she was training to run a marathon, he couldn’t let her one up him, so he joined the CFB family too. Since then, he’s been a friendly face and pillar at CFB and is always first to volunteer for moving projects and any community needs. Trevor competes annually in the open and a couple of local competitions. For an ‘old dude’ with a desk job, he is still pretty strong. #notquitescalednotquiteRX As a coach, Trevor gets to truly know his athletes so he can push and motivate them in an individual way to maximize their potential. Trevor has 2 kids, Daisy and Anderson, and has been married to his wife, Lindsay, for almost 10 years. They live in Normandy Park and love to fish, spend time at the beach, boat on Lake Washington, shoot off fireworks, and bleed purple and gold as Husky Football Season ticket holders 15 years and running. GET STARTED


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



I was first introduced to CrossFit in 2010 while in the Army. I found it a great way to give soldiers a balanced fitness regiment that’s fun, functional and extremely challenging. Since then CrossFit has been a big part of my life and I like the community surrounding gyms as much as the fitness. I love finding my physical boundaries and the people that share this mindset are great to be around. CrossFit Burien has one of the best communities and coaching staff I have seen and it’s been an awesome experience to help foster this community!


CrossFit Level 1



I was first introduced to CrossFit in 2013, when a new gym opened up down the road. I didn’t know much about it, but decided to give it a try and I have been hooked ever since. Prior to CrossFit, I was doing a lot of running and yoga, or spending 45 minutes on the elliptical at the gym, but now I don’t think I could ever go back to those days on the elliptical. I truly believe that anyone can do CrossFit! I love that the workouts can be scaled to meet any one person’s individual needs, and whether they have been doing CrossFit for 5 weeks or 5 years the same workout can challenge both people and push them beyond what they ever thought they were capable of. While I do like that CrossFit also provides an outlet for my competitive side, the atmosphere in the gym is only one of support and encouragement. I have been at CrossFit Burien since 2017 and am so thankful to have found a gym I love with such an amazing community. As our gym community continues to grow, I look forward to the adventures, challenges, and accomplishments that lie ahead.


CrossFit Level-1


Month-to-Month Membership Agreements and Annual Membership Agreements: You may place your Membership on hold two (2) times per calendar year up to three (3) consecutive months each time. Advanced notice of at least two (2) business days is required. The hold must be 30 days in duration at a minimum and 30 days must elapse between holds. Upon expiration of the term of the hold, your account will automatically become active and payments will resume. Should you choose to return prior to the end of their hold period, the hold will be released and payments will resume.


All membership agreements require 30-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 30-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 30-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable. All grandfathered membership rates will also be forfeited and returning members will be subject to current rates.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


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We Would Love To Meet You!
Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot... Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class

OUR Information:


22316 6th Ave S, Des Moines, WA 98198


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